Environmentally Friendly Diamonds?
Are lab grown diamonds an emerging trend that environmentally as well as socially aware consumers are picking up on?
Laboratory grown diamonds as environmentally friendly:
Did you know it takes the removal of around 275 tons of ore to produce a one-carat gem quality polished diamond? Diamonds are generally mined in one of two different ways depending on the type of diamond deposits. The most common type of deposit knows as primary deposit occurs near volcanic pathways that connect Earth’s mantle to its surface. Diamonds are carried up these volcanic pathways known as pipes as a result of volcanic eruptions. The diamond containing soils that surround these volcanic pipes are known as either kimberlite or lamproite. Open pit mining is conducted around volcanic pipes. These diamond containing pipes are subject to erosion which leads to the second form of diamond mining.
Alluvial mining takes place along ocean shores and riverbeds. This mining technique results in building walls to protect the mine area from surf and bulldozing or pumping sand or other marine soil located above the diamond containing layer.
Open-pit mining as well as alluvial mining destroy ecosystems, pollutes the environment and adversely impacts indigenous communities inhabiting areas where the mines are located.
One of the benefits to lab created diamonds is the fact that no water or air pollution results directly from the production of these diamonds. Electricity is the only resource that is consumed in modest amounts.
Laboratory diamonds as conflict free:
Diamonds that are mined in conflict zones are generally used to fund terrorism, civil wars or armed conflicts. These diamonds are known as “blood diamond”. Conflict diamonds were estimated to be around 4-10% of the total world annually production. These diamonds contribute to the deaths of millions of people.
The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) was introduced to assure diamonds entering the world market are conflict-free.
The KPCS originated from a meeting of Southern African diamond producing states in Kimberley, South Africa in May 2000. In order for a country to be a participant, it must ensure:
1) That any diamond originating from the country does not finance a rebel group or other entity seeking to overthrow a UN-recognized government.
2) That every diamond export be accompanied by a Kimberley Process certificate proving (1).
3) That no diamond is imported from, or exported to, a non-member of the scheme.
Although KPCS is a major step towards eradicating conflict diamonds, illicit conflict diamonds continue to mix with diamonds from legitimate sources.
An advantage of lab created diamonds is that they are conflict free by definition.
Laboratory grown diamonds as environmentally friendly:
Did you know it takes the removal of around 275 tons of ore to produce a one-carat gem quality polished diamond? Diamonds are generally mined in one of two different ways depending on the type of diamond deposits. The most common type of deposit knows as primary deposit occurs near volcanic pathways that connect Earth’s mantle to its surface. Diamonds are carried up these volcanic pathways known as pipes as a result of volcanic eruptions. The diamond containing soils that surround these volcanic pipes are known as either kimberlite or lamproite. Open pit mining is conducted around volcanic pipes. These diamond containing pipes are subject to erosion which leads to the second form of diamond mining.
Alluvial mining takes place along ocean shores and riverbeds. This mining technique results in building walls to protect the mine area from surf and bulldozing or pumping sand or other marine soil located above the diamond containing layer.
Open-pit mining as well as alluvial mining destroy ecosystems, pollutes the environment and adversely impacts indigenous communities inhabiting areas where the mines are located.
One of the benefits to lab created diamonds is the fact that no water or air pollution results directly from the production of these diamonds. Electricity is the only resource that is consumed in modest amounts.
Laboratory diamonds as conflict free:
Diamonds that are mined in conflict zones are generally used to fund terrorism, civil wars or armed conflicts. These diamonds are known as “blood diamond”. Conflict diamonds were estimated to be around 4-10% of the total world annually production. These diamonds contribute to the deaths of millions of people.
The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) was introduced to assure diamonds entering the world market are conflict-free.
The KPCS originated from a meeting of Southern African diamond producing states in Kimberley, South Africa in May 2000. In order for a country to be a participant, it must ensure:
1) That any diamond originating from the country does not finance a rebel group or other entity seeking to overthrow a UN-recognized government.
2) That every diamond export be accompanied by a Kimberley Process certificate proving (1).
3) That no diamond is imported from, or exported to, a non-member of the scheme.
Although KPCS is a major step towards eradicating conflict diamonds, illicit conflict diamonds continue to mix with diamonds from legitimate sources.
An advantage of lab created diamonds is that they are conflict free by definition.
Labels: Blood Diamonds, Diamond, Diamond Mining, Diamonds, Environmentally Friendly Diamond, Loose Diamond